
Mixes audio from two clips. A volume for the two clips can be given, but is optional.

Syntax and Parameters

MixAudio (clip1, clip2, float "clip1_factor", float "clip2_factor")
clip1, clip2

Source clips; all audio sample types supported. Output video is copied from clip1.

clip1_factor, clip1_factor

Set the volume of each clip's audio, where 0.0 is no audio from that clip, and 1.0 is 100% audio.

  • If clip1_factor + clip2_factor > 1.0, you risk clipping the audio if the sample type is not Float.

  • If only one the first factor is given, the second factor will be (1.0-clip1_factor).

Default: 0.5, (1.0 - track1_factor)


Mixes two sources, with one source slightly lower than the other:

video = AviSource("c:\movie.avi")
Soundtrack = WavSource("c:\soundtrack.wav")
Speak = WavSource("c:\speak.wav")
audio = MixAudio(Soundtrack, Speak, 0.75, 0.25)
return AudioDub(video, audio)

For this particular example, setting clip2_factor to 0.25 is redundant. When the second factor is not given, it defaults to (1.0 - clip1_factor), which ends up being 0.25.




AviSynth 2.0.3

Added MixAudio filter.

$Date: 2022/03/24 14:45:27 $