
MessageClip produces a clip containing a text message. Used internally for error reporting.

The font face is "Arial". The font size is between 24 points and 9 points - chosen to fit, if possible, in the width by height clip. The pixeltype is RGB32 and 240 frames in length.

Syntax and Parameters

MessageClip (string message, int "width", int "height", bool "shrink",
             int "text_color", int "halo_color", int "bg_color")

The message to be displayed. Required.

width, height

Width and height of the resulting clip. By default, the width and height are chosen such that it can display the message with size 24 points.

Default: -1, -1

If true, and width and/or height are specified, the clip resolution is reduced to a smaller size, if possible, to fit the text.
If false, the text will appear at the top-center of the video frame.

Default: false

text_color, halo_color, bg_color

Colors for font fill, outline and background respectively. See the colors page for more information on specifying colors. Default text color is yellow and halo and background color are black.

Default: $FFFFFF, $000000, $000000


Displaying AviSynth+ version information with MessageClip:


$Date: 2022/02/07 21:28:07 $