MergeARGB / MergeRGBΒΆ

MergeARGB (clipA, clipR, clipG, clipB) MergeRGB (clipR, clipG, clipB [, string "pixel_type"])

These filters makes it possible to merge the alpha and color channels from the source videoclips into the output videoclip.

ClipA is the clip that provided the alpha data to merge into the output clip. For a YUV format input clip the data is taken from the Luma channel. For a RGB32 format input clip the data is taken from the Alpha channel. It may not be in RGB24 format.

ClipR, ClipG and ClipB are the clips that provided the R, G and B data respectively to merge into the output clip. For YUV format input clips the data is taken from the Luma channel. For RGB format input clips the data is taken from the respective source channel. i.e. R to R, G to G, B to B. The unused chroma or color channels of the input clips are ignored.

All YUV luma pixel data is assumed to be pc-range, [0..255], there is no tv- range, [16..235], scaling. Chroma data from YUV clips is ignored. Input clips may be a mixture of all formats. YV12 is the most efficient format for transporting single channels thru any required filter chains.

pixel_type default RGB32, optionally RGB24, specifies the output pixel format.

Also see here for the resulting clip properties.


# This will only blur the Green channel.
MergeRGB(Last, Blur(0.5), Last)

# This will swap the red and blue channels and
# load the alpha from a second video sources.
vid1 = avisource("c:\apps\avisynth\main.avi")
vid2 = avisource("c:\apps\avisynth\alpha.avi")
MergeARGB(vid2, vid1.ShowBlue("YV12"), vid1, vid1.ShowRed("YV12"))



added MergeARGB and MergeRGB

$Date: 2008/05/28 21:24:49 $