AviSynth Syntax - Type conversion functions

Conversion functions convert between different types. There are also some numeric functions that can be classified in this category, namely: Ceil, Floor, Float, Int and Round.



Converts a decimal string to its associated numeric value.


Value ("-2.7") = -2.7


HexValue(string[, int "pos"])

Converts a hexadecimal string to its associated numeric value (integer) Conversion will cease at the first non legal number base digit, without producing an error.

Function returns 0 if pos is erroenus: ie less than 1 or greater than string length.

int pos (default 1)

Sets the starting point of the numeric parser. All characters to the left of pos are ignored. Default is 1 (start of string).


HexValue ("FF00") # 65280
HexValue ("FFA0", 3) # 160


Hex(int [, int "width"])

Converts a numerical value to its hexadecimal value string. See Colors for more information on specifying colors.

Function returns hex string in uppercase, instead of lowercase.

int width (default 0)

Width is 0 to 8, the minimum width of the returned string. (8 hex digit is the max of Avisynth 32 bit integer)

Resulting string will be left-padded with zeroes as needed.

When width is 0 (default) or not supplied then string length is a minimum needed.


Hex(10824234) # "A52A2A"
Hex(255,4) # returns "00FF".


String(float / int [, string format_string])

Converts a variable to a string.

  • String arguments are passed along unchanged;

  • bools are converted to "true" or "false";

  • numbers are formatted as described below;

  • other variable types (clip, val) are converted to the empty string.

If the variable is float or integer, it first converts it to a float and then uses format_string to convert the float to a string. The syntax of format_string is as follows:

  • %[flags][width][.precision]f

    the leading '%' and trailing 'f' are required!

    • width: the minimum width (the string is never truncated if it is wider than width)

    • precision: the number of digits printed

    • flags:

      • - left align (instead right align)

      • + always print the +/- sign (show only '+' by default)

      • 0 pad (see width) with leading zeroes (pad with spaces by default)

      • ' ' print a blank instead of a "+"

      • # always print the decimal point (dropped by default if there are no decimal digits)

You can also put arbitrary text around the format_string as defined above, similar to the C-language printf function.


Subtitle( String(1.23) )                    # '1.230000' (six decimals by default for floats)
Subtitle( String(123) )                     # '123'      (no decimals by default for ints)

Subtitle( String(1.23, "%0.2f" ))           # '1.23'
Subtitle( String(1.23, "%0.1f" ))           # '1.2'
Subtitle( String(1.23, "%5.1f") )           # '  1.2'    (padded to 5 characters wide)
Subtitle( String(1.23, "%1.3f") )           # '1.230'    (3 decimals; add trailing zeroes)

Subtitle( String(123, "%0.0f") )            # '123'      (no decimals for precision=0)
Subtitle( String(123, "%#0.0f") )           # '123.'     ('#' flag: always show decimal point)
Subtitle( String(123, "%0.2f") )            # '123.00'   (2 decimals: add trailing zeroes)
Subtitle( String(123, "%5.0f") )            # '  123'    (padded to 5 characters wide using ' ')
Subtitle( String(123, "%05.0f") )           # '00123'    (padded to 5 characters wide using '0')

Subtitle( String(PI, "PI=%0.0f") )          # 'PI=3'     (text around format_string)
Subtitle( String(PI, "PI=%#0.0f") )         # 'PI=3.'    ('#' flag: always show decimal point)
Subtitle( String(PI, "PI=%2.0f") )          # 'PI= 3'
Subtitle( String(PI, "PI=%3.2f") )          # 'PI=3.14'
Subtitle( String(PI, "PI=%0.5f") )          # 'PI=3.14159'
Subtitle( String(PI, "PI=%6.3f") )          # 'PI= 3.142'

Subtitle( String(32, "%0.0f") )             # '32'
Subtitle( String(32, "%3.0f") )             # ' 32'
Subtitle( String(32, "%8.0f") )             # '      32'
## arbitrary text around format_string:
Subtitle( String(Last.Height, "Clip height is %0.0f") ) # 'Clip height is 480'
## same output as above but using string concatenation:
Subtitle( "Clip height is " + String(Last.Height) )

Subtitle( String(x, "Value of x is %.3f after AR calc") )
Subtitle( "Value of x is " + String(x, "%.3f") + " after AR calc") )
# same as above




Avisynth+ r2632

Hex: added "width"
Hexvalue: added "pos"

Back to Internal functions.

$Date: 2024/01/09 08:11:22 $