StackHorizontal / StackVertical

StackHorizontal takes two or more video clips and displays them together in left-to-right order.

StackVertical is similar, working top-to-bottom.

Syntax and Parameters

StackHorizontal (clip1, clip2 [, ...])
StackVertical (clip1, clip2 [, ...])
clip1, clip2, ...

Source clips; all color formats supported.

  • The color formats must be the same for all clips.

  • StackHorizontal: the height must be the same for all clips.

  • StackVertical: the width must be the same for all clips.

Most properties (soundtrack, frame rate, etc) are taken from the first clip, see filters with multiple input clips for the resulting clip properties.


Compare frames with and without noise reduction:

StackVertical(last, last.SpatialSoften(2,3,6))

Show clips in variables a,b,c,d in a box like this:

# a b
# c d

$Date: 2022/04/29 21:28:07 $