Soften Filters

SpatialSoften and TemporalSoften remove noise from a video clip by selectively blending pixels.


Like Blur, SpatialSoften blends neighboring pixels in the frame – but with a wider possible radius, and only if neighboring pixels are within luma_threshold and chroma_threshold, as explained below.

Syntax and Parameters

SpatialSoften (clip clip, int radius, int luma_threshold, int chroma_threshold)

Source clip. Must be YUY2 color format.

Filter radius – defines which pixels are processed.
Range 0-32; radius=0 results in no smoothing. Values > 32 may cause AviSynth to crash.
luma_threshold, chroma_threshold

When smoothing a given pixel P, SpatialSoften ignores any neighbor pixel Pn where:

  • Pn luma differs from P luma by more than luma_threshold, OR

  • Pn chroma differs from P chroma by more than chroma_threshold.


Blends corresponding pixels in neighboring frames. All frames no more than radius away are examined. Blending occurs only if corresponding pixels are within luma_threshold or chroma_threshold, as explained below.

Syntax and Parameters

TemporalSoften (clip clip, int radius, int luma_threshold, int chroma_threshold,
                int "scenechange", int "mode")

Source clip. All color formats are supported except RGB24 and RGB48.

Filter radius. All frames no more than radius from the current frame are examined.
(for radius=2, FIVE frames are processed: the current frame, two ahead and two behind)
Range 0-7; radius=0 results in no smoothing.

When smoothing a given luma pixel Y, the corresponding pixel in neighboring frame Yn is ignored where Yn differs from Y by more than luma_threshold.


When smoothing a given chroma pixel C, the corresponding pixel in neighboring frame Cn is ignored where Cn differs from C by more than chroma_threshold.

  • Good starting values are around 1 or 2 times luma_threshold.


Defines the maximum average pixel change between frames; set properly, this will avoid blending across scene changes.

  • Good values are between 5 and 30, somewhat higher than luma_threshold.

  • scenechange not supported in RGB32 and RGB64 colorspaces.

Default: 0


Deprecated - this parameter is simply ignored.


Note that arguments are autoscaling – they are always 0-255 at all bit depths.


Good initial values:

TemporalSoften(4, 4, 8, scenechange=15)




AviSynth+ 3.5.0

Fix: TemporalSoften possible access violation after SeparateFields (in general: after filters that only change frame pitch).

AviSynth+ r2580

Fix: TemporalSoften 10-14 bits: an SSE 4.1 instruction was used for SSE2-only CPUs.

AviSynth+ r2508

Fix: TemporalSoften threshold < 255 (probably since r1576).

AviSynth+ r2487

TemporalSoften: 10-12-14 bit support for planar RGB(A)/YUV(A) and RGB32/64 formats.
TemporalSoften: much faster average mode (thres=255).

AviSynth+ r2397

TemporalSoften: Planar RGB(A) support.
TemporalSoften: much faster average mode (thres=255).

AviSynth+ r2290

TemporalSoften: added 16/32 bit support.

AviSynth+ r1841

TemporalSoften: frame leak fix.

Avisynth+ r1576

TemporalSoften: mode 1 removed, mode parameter ignored.
TemporalSoften: now has C and SSE2 versions.

AviSynth 2.6.0

TemporalSoften: added support for Y8, YV411, YV16 and YV24 color formats.

AviSynth 2.5.6

TemporalSoften working also with RGB32 input (as well as YV12, YUY2).

$Date: 2022/02/28 18:06:23 $