
FreezeFrame replaces all the frames between first_frame and last_frame with a copy of source_frame. The sound track is not modified. This is useful for covering up glitches in a video in cases where you have a similar glitch-free frame available.

Syntax and Parameters

FreezeFrame (clip, int first_frame, int last_frame, int source_frame)

Source clip; all color formats supported.

first_frame, last_frame

First and last frame to replace (inclusive).


Frame to copy. Note that frames are numbered starting from zero. If needed, use ShowFrameNumber before FreezeFrame to make sure the right frames are selected.


Replace frames 5 through 15 with frame 16:

FreezeFrame(5, 15, 16)

Replace frames 1 through 20 with frame 10:

FreezeFrame(1, 20, 10)

Replace all frames of a clip with the first frame:

FreezeFrame(0, FrameCount()-1, 0)

# Identical to Trim(0,-1).Loop(FrameCount(),0,0)
# Except FreezeFrame leaves the audio untouched

$Date: 2022/03/02 22:44:06 $