
These compatibility conversion filters are to allow filters that use 16-bit video in a pseudo-8-bit colorspace aka stacked (or lsb) and interleaved format to interact with AviSyth+ high bit depth formats aka HBD.

These filters are intended to serve as a stopgap for plugins that are not supporting true high bit depth yet so you shouldn't use them nowadays unless with some rare filters that work only with these High-bit-depth hacks.


  • In Stack16 (Stacked 16-bit) aka Double Height, the picture is made of two parts: one containing the highest 8 bits (MSB) for each pixel, stacked on top of another containing the lowest 8 bits (LSB), hence the name "Double Height". It's used in Dither tools and many others. (Sometimes in filters is referred as "lsb" only).

  • The Interleaved 16-bit aka Double Width is similar to Stack16, but the MSBs and LSBs are horizontally interleaved which is like Native HBD, and it's faster than lsb. It's used in [HDRCore] and it was also used in flash3kyuu_deband, LSMASHSource and other filters before they were updated to support 16-bit planar (native HBD).

  • Both can be between 10-16 bits not only 16-bit.

ConvertToStacked / ConvertToDoubleWidth

ConvertToStacked accepts a 16-bit (HBD) clip and returns 16-bit stacked (MSB and LSB stacked one on top of the other in a fake double height "8-bit" stream).

ConvertToDoubleWidth accepts a 16-bit (HBD) clip and returns 16-bit interleaved (MSB and LSB interleaved together in a fake double width "8-bit" stream).

Syntax and Parameters

ConvertToStacked (clip clip)
ConvertToDoubleWidth (clip clip)

Source clip. Must be native 16-bit: YUV420P16, YUV422P16, YUV444P16, Y16.

ConvertFromStacked / ConvertFromDoubleWidth

ConvertFromStacked accepts a stacked clip and returns a HBD clip.

ConvertFromDoubleWidth accepts a Double-Width clip and returns a HBD clip.

Syntax and Parameters

ConvertFromStacked (clip clip, int "bits")
ConvertFromDoubleWidth (clip clip, int "bits")

Source clip. Must be YV12, YV16, YV24 or Y8.


Bit depth of returned clip. Must match the original bit depth. See the 1st examples of both Stacked and DoubleWidth below.

Default: 16


Stacked / LSB

1st example,

## Decoding 10bit, YUV 4:2:0 source
## this is not needed nowadays since LSMASHSource added HBD support
## so nowadays only LWLibavVideoSource(<path>) will did the job
## but just for example, keep in mind that lsb is the slowest
LWLibavVideoSource(<path>, stacked=true, format="YUV420P10")
## the line below is only if you need to down to 8bit
ConvertBits(8, dither=0) # '0' means on, '-1' means off

2nd example,

## this not needed since Dfttest support HBD, but just for example
## some 16bit HBD clip here
Dfttest(lsb_in=true, lsb=true)
## Continue filtering with 16bit HBD

Double-Width / Interleaved Format

1st example (F3KDB can work with lsb but Double-Width is faster than lsb),

## this not needed since neo_f3kdb support HBD, but just for example
## 10bit clip here
ConvertBits(16, truerange=false) #convey 10bit clip on 16bit clip with truerange=false
f3kdb(input_mode=2, input_depth=10, output_mode=2, output_depth=10)

2nd example,

## 16bit clip here




AviSynth+ r2150

Added 10/12/14 bit support to ConvertFrom* functions.
Added bits parameter to ConvertFrom* functions.

AviSynth+ r2043

ConvertTo/From* functions moved to their own plugin.
Added the ConvertTo/FromDoubleWidth functions.

AviSynth+ r2022

ConvertHbd*() functions renamed to ConvertToStacked and ConvertFromStacked.

AviSynth+ r2003

Added ConvertHbdFromStacked/ConvertHbdToStacked functions.

$Date: 2022/03/07 03:39:14 $