=============================== AlignedSplice / UnalignedSplice =============================== **AlignedSplice** and **UnalignedSplice** join two or more video clips end to end. The difference between the filters lies in the way they treat the sound track. * **AlignedSplice** cuts off the first sound track or inserts silence as necessary to ensure that the second sound track remains synchronized with the video. * **UnalignedSplice** simply concatenates the sound tracks without regard to synchronization with the video. You should use **AlignedSplice** for most situations. You should use **UnalignedSplice** when the soundtracks being joined were originally contiguous—for example, when you're joining files captured with `AVI-IO`_. Using **AlignedSplice** in these situations may lead to glitches in the sound. AviSynth provides ``++`` and ``+`` :doc:`operators <../syntax/syntax_operators>` as synonyms for **AlignedSplice** and **UnalignedSplice** respectively. Syntax and Parameters ---------------------- :: AlignedSplice (clip1, clip2 [, ...]) UnAlignedSplice (clip1, clip2 [, ...]) .. describe:: clip1, clip2, ... Source clips; the :doc:`media properties <../syntax/syntax_clip_properties>` must be compatible, meaning all clips must have: #. the same height and width, #. the same :doc:`color format `, #. the same frame rate, and #. the same audio sample rate, bit depth and number of channels. See :doc:`filters with multiple input clips <../filters_mult_input_clips>` for the resulting clip properties. Examples -------- Join segmented capture files (with UnalignedSplice) to produce a single clip:: UnalignedSplice(AVISource("cap1.avi"),AVISource("cap2.avi"),AVISource("cap3.avi")) # or: AVISource("cap1.avi") + AVISource("cap2.avi") + AVISource("cap3.avi") Extract three scenes from a clip and join them together in a new order with AlignedSplice:: AVISource("video.avi") Trim(2000,2500) ++ Trim(3000,3500) ++ Trim(1000,1500) $Date: 2022/09/18 21:28:07 $ .. _AVI-IO: http://www.avi-io.com/